Introduction to Segment Tree
and program to construct a segment tree in Rust
The Segment Tree is a commonly used tree like data structure that is used for range queries or subarray queries, like minimum element or sum of elements in a given subarray.
By using the Segment Tree, we can reduce the time taken for each range query to O( log n ), that takes O( n ) otherwise, but uses O( n ) auxiliary space.
The example of range queries on a given array are :
- Sum/Product of integers in a given range.
- Bitwise OR/AND of integers in given range.
- Minimum/Maximum in a given range.
- LCM/GCD in a given range.
If you got any of these queries to perform in Logarithmic time, segment tree is a good option.
Size of Segment Tree
For a given array containing n integers, size of segment tree is
- 2n-1 : If n is a power of 2
- 2k-1 : If n is not the power of 2, and k is the smallest power of 2 greater than n.
So, for example, if n = 9 => k = 16, and hence, size of segment tree = 31.
Also, it is not hard to see that space complexity of a segment tree = O( n )
Here is the function to calculate the height of a Segment Tree in Rust
fn calc_size(n:usize)->usize{// If n is a power of 2, return 2n-1if n.count_ones() == 1 {// Left shift is used to multiply n by 2.return (n<<1)-1;}// k denotes the height of the tree.// If n is not the power of 2, we have to take 2*k - 1// k can be calculated by 2^(position of MSB+1)// For example, for n = 7, position of MSB = 2, so k = 8// Hence k = 2^(64 - leading zeroes)let k = 1<<(64 - n.leading_zeros());return (k<<1)-1;}
Structure of Segment Tree
The Segment Trees have a Binary Tree like structure, where each node has at most two children, each representing the left and right half of parent range respectively.
For Example : If a node represents the N elements from [0..N-1] ( inclusive ), then its Left Child will represent the elements from [0..N/2-1] and right child will represent the elements from [N/2..N-1].
Hence, we keep on dividing each node, until the node is representing a single element only.
Also, we store the elements in the array form. So, for ith node, its
- Left Node is represented by element at index 2*i +1
- Right Node is represented by element at index 2*i +2
Constructing a segment tree
Before we can perform our Range Queries, we have to construct a Segment Tree from the given array.
- Calculate the size of segment tree and initialize an empty array/vector for segment tree with default value.
- Initially, set low to 0, high to n-1 and position to 0, where size of original array is n.
- If high is equal to low, then the current range represent only 1 element, and hence update it on the given position in the segment tree, and return.
- If high is greater than low, then the current range represent 2 or more elements. So, we divide the range into 2 halves.
- Recursively follow the steps 3 and 4 for left and right half of the range, for position 2×pos+1 and 2×pos+2 respectively.
- Now, set the node at position to result of desired operator of left and right child.
The program using above algorithm is given below. I used Multiplication operator for the reference.
All you have to do is call construct_segment_tree()
function, and pass the reference to the original array and n
, the size of the array.
Note : To change the operator, you can change the last line of construct_segment_tree_util()
fn calc_size(n:usize) ->usize{if n.count_ones() == 1 { return (n<<1)-1; }let k = 1<<(64 - n.leading_zeros());return (k<<1)-1;}// I am taking Vector of unsigned integers.// You can take it as per your requirementfn construct_segment_tree(arr:&Vec<usize>) -> Vec<usize> {// Calculate the size of the segment tree array firstlet n = arr.len();let s = calc_size(n);// Initialize the segment tree as an array of size s, and all elements are 0let mut segment_tree = vec![0 as usize; s];// Now, call the construct_segment_tree_util function to build the tree// Note : we use n-1 here, because we are using inclusive range.construct_segment_tree_util(arr, &mut segment_tree, 0, n-1, 0);return segment_tree;}fn construct_segment_tree_util(arr:&Vec<usize>, tree:&mut Vec<usize>, low:usize, high:usize, pos:usize){// The range is emptyif high<low { return; }// Only 1 element in the range.// So, this is right position for the elementif high == low {tree[pos] = arr[low];return;}// Now, multiple elements exist in the given range.// So, recursively perform this function for left and right half of rangelet mid = (high+low)/2;construct_segment_tree_util(arr, tree, low, mid, pos*2+1);construct_segment_tree_util(arr, tree, mid+1, high, pos*2+2);// Here, you can change operation as per requirement// I am using multiplication operator for referencetree[pos] = tree[pos*2+1]*tree[pos*2+2];}
Time Complexity : O( n )
Space Complexity : O( n )
Segment tree is used frequently for Range Queries or Subarray Queries, especially in competitive programming.
It reduces the time complexity for each range query to O( log n ) from O( n ), but uses O( n ) auxiliary space. So, when you have large number of range queries, you can easily use Segment tree to save time.
In this article, we saw the code to construct a Segment Tree in Rust. We will see Range Queries in the next article. Here is the optimized function for easy access
fn cs(n:usize) ->usize{if n.count_ones() == 1 { return (n<<1)-1; }let k = 1<<(64 - n.leading_zeros());return (k<<1)-1;}fn cons_st(arr:&Vec<usize>) -> Vec<usize> {let n = arr.len();let s = cs(n);let mut segment_tree = vec![0 as usize; s];cons_st_util(arr, &mut segment_tree, 0, n-1, 0);return segment_tree;}fn cons_st_util(arr:&Vec<usize>, tree:&mut Vec<usize>, l:usize, h:usize, pos:usize){if h<l { return; }if h == l { tree[pos] = arr[l];return; }let mid = (h+l)/2;cons_st_util(arr, tree, l, mid, pos*2+1);cons_st_util(arr, tree, mid+1, h, pos*2+2);// Here, you can change operation as per requirement// I am using product operator for referencetree[pos] = tree[pos*2+1]*tree[pos*2+2];}
Thank You