Range Query in Segment Tree

and program to perform Range Query in a Segment Tree in Rust


I have already discussed the use cases as well as how to Construct the Segment Tree in Rust Language. If you have not already read that article, please visit that before, because this is continuation of that article.

Here, we will actually perform Range Query on a segment tree to find output of a given subarray of an Array.


Now, if we look at our Segment Tree and Range Queries carefully, we can categorize them in one of 3 categories.

  1. No Overlap : In this, the Range of our Query and Given Node does not contain any common element. So, we return identity element in this case.
  2. Total Overlap : In this, all the elements of the given node are covered in the query. In this, we simply return the value of node.
  3. Partial Overlap : In this, there exists some elements that are covered in a node, but not in the query. In this, we have to search in its children nodes recursively.

For example : If a node contains value from [2, 5] (inclusive)

  1. No Overlap : Will contain range query such as [0, 1], [6, 7] etc.
  2. Total Overlap : Will contain range query such [1, 7] , [2, 10] etc.
  3. Partial Overlap : Will contain range query such [3, 7] , [2, 3] etc.


fn range_query(st:&Vec<usize>, nl:usize, nh:usize, ql:usize, qh:usize, pos : usize) -> usize{
//nl, nh == node low and node high respectively
// ql, qh == query low and query high respectively
// No Overlap, identity element in product is 1
if nh < ql || qh < nl {
return 1;
// Total overlap, return element at given node
if nh<= qh && nl>=ql {
return st[pos]
// Here, you can change operation as per requirement
// I am using product operator for reference
let mid = (h+l)/2;
return range_query(st, nl, mid, ql, qh, 2*pos + 1) * range_query(st, mid+1, nh, ql, qh, 2*pos + 1);

With driver code

fn range_query(st:&Vec<usize>, nl:usize, nh:usize, ql:usize, qh:usize, pos : usize) -> usize{
//nl, nh == node low and node high respectively
// ql, qh == query low and query high respectively
// Total overlap, return element at given node
if ql <= nl && qh>= nh {
return st[pos];
// No Overlap, identity element in product is 1
if nh < ql || qh < nl {
return 1;
// Partial Overlap, we search for both left and right children nodes
// You have to edit below as per required function.
let mid = (nh+nl)/2;
return range_query(st, nl, mid, ql, qh, pos*2 + 1) * range_query(st, mid+1, nh, ql, qh, pos*2 + 2);
// Construct the Segment Tree
fn cs(n:usize) ->usize{
if n.count_ones() == 1 { return (n<<1)-1; }
let k = 1<<(64 - n.leading_zeros());
return (k<<1)-1;
fn cons_st(arr:&Vec<usize>) -> Vec<usize> {
let n = arr.len();
let s = cs(n);
// This is set as 1 by default for product only
let mut segment_tree = vec![1 as usize; s];
cons_st_util(arr, &mut segment_tree, 0, n-1, 0);
return segment_tree;
fn cons_st_util(arr:&Vec<usize>, tree:&mut Vec<usize>, l:usize, h:usize, pos:usize){
if h<l { return; }
if h == l { tree[pos] = arr[l];return; }
let mid = (h+l)/2;
cons_st_util(arr, tree, l, mid, pos*2+1);
cons_st_util(arr, tree, mid+1, h, pos*2+2);
// Here, you can change operation as per requirement
// I am using product operator for reference
tree[pos] = tree[pos*2+1]*tree[pos*2+2];
fn main() {
let arr = vec![1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
let st = cons_st(&arr);
// We have to use arr.len() -1 as nh because inclusive range
// Prints product of first element
println!("{}", range_query(&st, 0, arr.len()-1, 0, 0, 0));
// Prints product of first 10 elements
println!("{}", range_query(&st, 0, arr.len()-1, 0, 9, 0));
// Prints product of elements 2 to 5 ( inclusive )
// So, the answer would be product of 3, 4, 5, 6
println!("{}", range_query(&st, 0, arr.len()-1, 2, 5, 0));
// Prints product of elements 1 to 7 (inclusive), arr[1] = 2 and arr[7] = 8
println!("{}", range_query(&st, 0, arr.len()-1, 1, 7, 0));



If there are Q queries,

Time Complexity : O( n + q*log(n) )
Space Complexity : O( n )


In this article, we saw how to perform range queries on a given segment tree in Logarithmic Time Complexity.

Now, you should be able to construct as well as perform Range Queries in a Segment Tree in Rust Language.

Here is the optimized function for easy access

fn range_query(st:&Vec<usize>, nl:usize, nh:usize, ql:usize, qh:usize, pos : usize) -> usize{
if ql <= nl && qh>= nh { return st[pos]; }
if nh < ql || qh < nl { return 1; }
let mid = (nh+nl)/2;
// You have to edit below as per required function.
return range_query(st, nl, mid, ql, qh, pos*2 + 1) * range_query(st, mid+1, nh, ql, qh, pos*2 + 2);

Segment Trees are especially useful for Min/Max and Or/Xor functions, especially when Update Queries are involved.

Thank You