GCD or HCF of two numbers

and program in Rust to calculate it using Euclidean algorithm.

What is GCD or HCF

Greatest Common Divisor ( GCD ) or Highest Common Factor ( HCF ) of two natural numbers is the largest natural number that divides both numbers.

We can also say it is the largest natural number that is factor of both numbers.

For Example : GCD of 100 and 75 is 25

GCD of 150 and 210 is 30

Naive Approach

Let us suppose we have to find gcd or hcf of 2 numbers, a and b.

Naive or brute force approach is to traverse all the numbers from 1 to min(a, b), and check if the number divides both numbers. Function using this approach is

fn gcd(a:usize, b:usize) -> usize{
// Initialize ans, or answer and limit
let mut ans:usize = 1;
let limit = min(a,b);
// Loop from 2 to limit, both inclusive
for i in 2..(limit+1) {
// Check if both a and b are divisible
if a%i == 0 && b%i == 0 {
ans = i;
return ans;

Program With driver code

use std::cmp::min;
use std::io::stdin;
// Read Input
fn take_vector() -> Vec<usize> {
let mut input = String::new();
stdin().read_line(&mut input).unwrap();
let arr: Vec<usize> = input.trim().
split_whitespace().map(|x| x.parse().unwrap()).collect();
return arr;
// Magic Starts here
fn gcd(a:usize, b:usize) -> usize{
// Initialize ans, or answer and limit
let mut ans:usize = 1;
let limit = min(a,b);
// Loop from 2 to limit, both inclusive
for i in 2..(limit+1) {
// Check if both a and b are divisible
if a%i == 0 && b%i == 0 {
ans = i;
return ans;
// Driver Code
pub fn main() {
let numbers = take_vector();
println!("{}", gcd(numbers[0], numbers[1]));


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Time Complexity : O( min (a, b) )
Space Complexity : O( 1 )

Efficient Euclidean algorithm

We can find the gcd of 2 numbers using Euclidean algorithm in logarithmic time complexity

Refer Wikipedia

In simple words, let us suppose that we have to find gcd of 2 distinct numbers, a and b, such that a > b.

  • If a%b == 0, then obviously b is the gcd.
  • If a%b != 0, then gcd must divide both b and a%b ( from Euclidean algorithm or even general observation ). So, we can now find gcd of b and a%b, which will be the answer.

Also, clearly, b > a%b.

Function using this approach is

fn gcd(mut a:usize, mut b:usize) -> usize{
// If equal, return any of them
if a==b {
return a;
// Swap a with b, if b is greater than a
if b > a {
std::mem::swap(&mut a, &mut b);
while b>0 {
// This is the trickiest part
// We swap a with b, and b with a%b, till b becomes 0
let temp = a;
a = b;
b = temp%b;
// Now, a%b = 0, hence return it
return a;

Use the same driver code.


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Time Complexity : O( log(min (a, b)) )
Space Complexity : O( 1 )


Greatest Common Divisor ( GCD ) or Highest Common Factor ( HCF ) of two natural numbers is the largest natural number that divides both numbers. In this article, we made a program to compute GCD or HCF in Logarithmic Time Complexity using Euclidean algorithm.

Here is the optimized function for easy access

fn gcd(mut a:usize, mut b:usize) -> usize{
if a==b { return a; }
if b > a { std::mem::swap(&mut a, &mut b); }
while b>0 {
let temp = a;
a = b;
b = temp%b;
return a;

Thank You